Thursday, March 8, 2007

8 th March Manifesto!...

Stop Women’s suppression!

8th March is International Women’s Day. It was necessary to announce such a day because male chauvinist and anti women system rules every where. Women do not enjoy equal rights, are second class citizens and are victims of violence because of their gender.

The struggle for equality between men and women is as old as the male chauvinist system. As a result of this struggle notable reforms in favour of women have been gained in certain parts of the world. Unfortunately in other parts of the world women are still living in the Middle Ages. In countries under the rule of Islam, women are not even considered as second class citizens. In Iran, women are denied their civil rights, and officially are regarded as men’s slaves. The ruling laws, values, traditions and ideology have turned women into slaves and inferior to men. Violence and suppression against women is outrageous. Limitations and deprivations have chained women even in their most private lives, like love and marriage. Forced veiling and gender apartheid have imprisoned women. Putting into effect stoning as a criminal law to punish women for practicing sex outside marriage has pushed the society back to the Middle Ages.

This is just one side of the story. The huge social resistance against all these limitations is the other side of the story. The movement for women’s liberation is a massive social movement. Women’s real position is far more ahead of the official and legal position. Women have not accepted such obedience or slavery. Especially the young generation has a strong presence and has challenged these limitations and lack of rights. The majority of women are demanding equality, economic independence, freedom of choice, freedom of clothing and freedom of deciding their own destiny. Women consider themselves equal to men and are not prepared to accept this inferior position. Thus we are witnessing a constant tension, publicly or hidden, between the current system and the society over the position of women.

8th March is a day which society declares; “Stop Women’s suppression!”; “freedom of women is a measure of the freedom of society”; “society is not free unless women are free”. 8th March is an important international day. On this day, women’s movement declares that it will not rest till equality and freedom is achieved. This movement is not exclusive to women. It belongs to all people seeking freedom and equality.

On the occasion of 8th March, the movement for women’s liberation in Iran demands:

  1. Abolition of all discriminatory laws (economic, social, political and cultural).
  2. Complete equal economic, social, political and cultural rights between men and women.
  3. Equal right of women in family, marriage, divorce, custody of children and inheritance.
  4. Freedom of clothing.
  5. Abolition of gender apartheid.
  6. The right to participate in national and international sports.
  7. Combating violence (domestic and state) against women.
  8. No war, no nuclear bombs!
We strive to organise public meetings to raise the banner of freedom and equality. Support us. Join us.

1 comment:

معلمة زينب !!! said...

"Stop Women’s suppression!"

no kidding!!!no doubt you ve got a great imaginary !

just feel sorry ... sounds you sre not on our earth ...

open your eyes and try to stop real problems ...