Friday, February 23, 2007

Leila May Face Stoning‎

Meydaan - A woman, who was arrested and charged with accomplice in murder, during police interrogations confessed that her husband forced her to prostitution. She has been detained and sent to prison with the same charge.

The Iranian Student News Agency (ISNA) reported that following the murder of a man in Miando-Ab, a man called Syrus was arrested. During his interrogations he confessed to having illegal relationship with the wife of the murdered. Accordingly Leila (wife of the murdered) was arrested based on this confession.

She is charged with accomplice in murder for helping a man called Abuzar, who killed her husband by stabbing.

The documents and evidence attached to this file reinforce the probability of stoning verdict for her due to having illegal relationship with other men (adultery/prostitution), regardless of the fact that she has been forced to it.

Of other incidents before, Kobra N., was arrested before Leila with the same charges and was sentenced to stoning.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

11 Years in Prison with Nightmare of Stoning‎

Meydaan - A woman called “Mokarrameh A.” has spent 10 years of her life in a prison in Ghazvin and lived with the fear of her verdict to stoning, to be implemented.

“Mokarrameh” is charged with having illegal sexual relationship with a man out of marriage framework and has two illegitimate children. “Mokarrameh” told her lawyers that she has been forced by her husband to have such a relationship.

“Saied Eghbali”, a volunteer lawyer who is in charge of defending her file says: “As Mokarrameh told her other lawyer “Mohammad Noskhehchi”, her husband was aware of this incident.”

He stipulated that they have not been able to study her file and said: “Considering that the file is in the Judiciary Commission for Clemency and Amnesty, we have not been able study the file until now and we have to wait for the commission to make the final decision and then release the file.

“Noskhehchi”, the other lawyer, who has interviewed her in the prison, stated that Mokarrameh’s husband is an addict and has serious financial problems. As she said she has been forced by her husband to have relationship with this man.

The man, with whom Mokarrameh had sexual relationship, is not married (single) and after tolerating 99 lashes was freed.

This woman has been charged with illegal relationship out of marriage by Takestan court 11 years ago and received the verdict of stoning. She is still living with the nightmare and fear of deadly stones in Ghazvin prison.